Our land mark is back!
Meaning, low flow stage is not far.

Our land mark is back!
Meaning, low flow stage is not far.
…Everything is green!
The water level is lowering rapidly.
We are still sampling 3 to 4 times a week.
Water is getting more and more clear and warm (12°C).
Still, too cold for a bath?
Yesterday we didn’t manage to sample, because of the storm!
Today was better but cloudy for TOMCAR sat.
First piece of green in Igarka,
Spring is definitely coming!
Theo had the opportunity to join Anatoly and Sergeï on an excursion to the « charnaïa riechka » or « black river » which is named from its dark waters full of DOM!The river is a local contributor of the Ieniseï discharge, draining Taïga and wetlands and is currently at its high water level.
After a week waiting between ice break and ice-jam, looking at the ice’s movement, we eventually managed to sample by boat.
At the same time SPOT 5 was taking a picture of the river…A good thing to calibrate the new research project.
For the dissolved organic matter’s fluorescence we have almost the same value as the one we measured last year at the same period.
We have the feeling to be right at the peak discharge.
At last, After two days of ice jam, ice started to move again by the end of the afternoon.
During 12h, we witnessed several millions of cubique meter of ice processing at the speed of 15km/h. It’s impressive.
Magical moment of observation of the Ienisseï’s strength getting closer to its flood’s peak.